Package-level declarations


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class Card(val type: PaymentMethodType, number: String, val expiryDate: CardExpiryDate, val cvv: String? = null, val cardholder: String? = null)

Use this class to process raw card data for payments. You should use this class if your app takes over the user interface for the card input fields.

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class CardExpiryDate(month: Int, year: Int) : Serializable

Class to be used to represent the card expiry date (month and year).

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Use this to choose which label to display for the card option in the payment method selection.

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data class CvvOnlyCard(val maskedCardNumber: String, val expiryDate: CardExpiryDate, val type: PaymentMethodType)

This class represents a previously tokenized card used in the CVV-only tokenization/verification flow for PCI Proxy.

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Configuration object for Google Pay transactions

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data class KlarnaConfig(customName: String? = null)

Configuration object for Klarna transactions.

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The payment method used during the transaction.

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open class SamsungPayConfig

Class for transaction configurations for Samsung Pay payments.

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open class SavedBoncard(var alias: String, val maskedCardNumber: String?, val boncardType: BoncardType) : SavedPaymentMethod

This class contains saved Boncard payment method details.

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open class SavedCard(val type: PaymentMethodType, var alias: String, cardExpiryDate: CardExpiryDate?, maskedCardNumber: String?, cardholder: String?) : SavedPaymentMethod

This class contains saved credit or debit card payment method details.

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This class contains saved Google Pay payment method details.

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This is the base class to save a payment method and use it to process recurring payments or fast checkouts.

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class SavedPayPal(var alias: String, val payPalEmail: String?) : SavedPaymentMethod

This class contains saved PayPal payment method details.

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class SavedPostFinanceCard(var alias: String, cardExpiryDate: CardExpiryDate? = null, maskedCardNumber: String?) : SavedCard

This class contains saved PostFinance card payment method details.

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class SavedReka(var alias: String, cardExpiryDate: CardExpiryDate, maskedCardNumber: String?) : SavedCard

This class contains saved Reka card payment method details.

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This class contains saved SEPA (ELV) payment method details.

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